About DART Sports
DART stands for Dallas Area Recreational Team. In 2016, we started out as a group of guys who wanted to play backyard style two hand touch football. Over time, that group evolved... a lot. Despite our evolution, we remain an organization dedicated to “Brotherhood Through Sports,” as well as athletic excellence.
DART Sports was the first in DFW to create an athletic group that was centered on structure, predictability, transparent rules, committee guidance and video highlights. Through the use of WhatsApp, Dropbox, GoPros and drones, DART Sports paved the path for other local athletic groups to utilize the same or similar model.
Since 2016, we have blossomed into a group that competes every week in competitive flag football games. In addition, our members participate in local tournaments and leagues, where we display our talents in football, basketball, tennis and other various sports.

Furqan Sunny Azhar

Mustafa Makki
Committee Member

Taha Usmani

Seth Golden

Shan Ali Siddiqi

Arijit Bhattacharjee
Previous Committee Members
Prem Iyer

Azeem Qureshi

Shabaz Nizami

Lateef Shariff

Ferhan Zaki

Malek Audi

Shuja Mir

Javaid Mujtaba

Patrick Fellows

Ameer Ghanie

Papiha Kashmiri